Monday, October 05, 2009

Doa Seorang Ayah ( untuk anaknya )

oleh General Douglas Mc Arthur

Mungkin menjadi doa kita untuk anak – anak kita.

( Doa ini pernah merasukiku ketika kudengar di pagi buta tahun 1984 di kawasan Situ Gunung setelah melalui perjalanan panjang melalui dua lembah dan dua puncak gunung yang nyaris seorang diri tanpa henti. Saat kudengar, aku sedang berdiri diatas lututku, kepala menunduk dan air membasahi sekujur tubuhku. Sekarang kutulis kembali dan mencoba kuperdengarkan untuk anak – anakku. Semoga mereka mendengar dan memahaminya. K-128-84 ).

Tuhanku ...
Bentuklah puteraku menjadi manusia yang cukup kuat untuk mengetahui,
manakala ia lemah.
Dan cukup berani menghadapi dirinya sendiri, manakala dia takut.
Manusia yang bangga dan teguh dalam kekalahan, jujur dan rendah hati
serta berbudi halus dalam kemenangan.
Bentuklah puteraku menjadi manusia yang hasrat-hasratnya hendak
menggantikan yang mati, putera yang selalu mengetahui Engkau, dan insyaf
bahwa mengenal dirinya sendiri adalah landasan pengetahuan.

Tuhanku ...
Aku mohon agar puteraku jangan dibimbing dijalan yang mudah dan lunak,
tetapi dibawah tekanan dan desakan kesulitan dan tantangan. Didiklah
puteraku supaya teguh berdiri diatas badai serta berbelas kasihan
terhadap mereka yang gagal.
Bentuklah puteraku supaya menjadi manusia yang berhati jernih, yang
cita-citanya tinggi. Putera yang sanggup memimpin dirinya sendiri
sebelum berhasrat memimpin orang lain.
Putera yang menjangkau hari depan namun tidak pernah melupakan masa

Dan setelah itu menjadi miliknya, aku mohon agar puteraku juga diberi
rasa humor, agar dia tidak menganggap dirinya terlampau serius.
Berilah dia juga kerendahan hati agar dia dapat selalu ingat pada
kesederhanaan dan keagungan asli, pada sumber kearifan dan pada
kelembutan juga pada kekuatan yang asli.
Dengan demikian maka, aku ayahnya, akan memberanikan diri dan berbisik :
"Hidupku tidak sia-sia".

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Cilacap ( Tjilatjap ) & Segara Anakan

Cilacap and Segara Anakan

Location:'7'35'-7°46'S, l08°45'-109°01'E; on the south coast of West Java, close to the frontier with Central Java.
Area:24,000 ha.
Altitude:Sea level.
Biogeographical Province:4.22.12.
Wetland type:02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08 & 11.

Description of site:
A large, shallow sea bay with two connections to the open sea, one at the southern end of a sandy barrier island and the other to the west of the rocky island of Nusa Kambangan. Fresh water and silt enter the bay via the Citanduy, Cibeureum and Kawunganten Rivers and several smaller streams. The bay contains extensive mangrove swamps dissected by a network of tidal creeks, and there are marshes and mudflats around Segara Anakan. The coastal plain of Cilacap consists of low-lying swampy areas and rice paddies, and higher old dunes and beach ridges, usually occupied by human settlements. There are several oxbow lakes formed as abandoned meanders of the Serayu River. The site contains at least 18,500 ha of mangrove swamp and 200 ha of tidal marsh. Some 8,200 ha of the surrounding swamps have already been converted into rice paddies.

Climatic conditions:
Humid tropical maritime climate with a maximum rainfall of 3,720 mm per year. The average temperature is 27°C.
Principal vegetation:Mangrove swamps with a very diverse flora. Tree species include Rhizophora mucronata, R. conjugata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, B. parviflora, Ceriops candoleana, C. roxburghiana, Xylocarpus granatum, X. molluccensis, Avicennia off icinalis, A. marina, Sonneralia alba, S. ovata, S. acida, Aegiceras corniculatum, A. floridum. Lumnitzera racemosa, L. littorea, Scyphiphora hydrophyllaceae, Cynometra ramiflora, Pit hecellobium umbellatum, Heritiera littoralis, Cerbera manghas and Nypa fruticans. Other plants associated with the mangroves include Acrostichum aureum, Acanthus ilicifolius and Derris heterophylla.

Land tenure:
State owned (Indonesian Government).

Conservation measures taken:
The number of trawlers permitted to fish in the Cilacap area is limited to 90. This regulation came into effect in July 1978. Trawlers are not allowed to fish in the traditional fishing grounds which extend three nautical miles offshore.
Conservation measures proposed:Various scientists and conservationists have proposed that the site be given special protection. The Citanduy River Basin Management Project made several proposals to stabilize the lagoon by diverting the Citanduy River, dredging and churning up sediment to facilitate transportation.

Land use:
Fishing, cultivation of rice and cutting of mangrove poles; fishing, forestry, agriculture and recreation in adjacent areas.
Disturbances and threats:The rate of sedimentation has increased to such an extent that the surface area of the lagoon will decrease from the current 1,400 ha to about 550 ha by the year 2000 (Guarin & White, 1988). There are not enough patrols to check the implementation of the fishing regulations, and over-fishing has become a problem. Illegal cutting of the mangrove forest has led to severe degradation of the forest, especially in the Karang Anyar area. Reclamation and polderization of the swamps for agricultural purposes continue. At present, there is no serious chemical pollution in the lagoon, although some domestic wastes and increasing pesticide residues may be problems.

Economic and social values:
Cilacap is a very important region for its marine fishery resources, and most of the 8,000 people dependent on Segara Anakan are fishermen. The fishery resources have been exploited by traditional methods for a very long time. Modern technology has been used since 1971, mainly for shrimp fishing (trawling). The number of trawling units has been limited to 90 since 1976, to curb over-fishing. In 1977, the production of demersal fish was 18,300 metric tonnes, but by 1979, production was down to 13,500 metric tonnes. The present catch of offshore fisheries is estimated at only 9,050 metric tonnes (7,150 tonnes of finfish and the rest, penaeid shrimps). The lagoon itself produces about 400 metric tonnes of finfish, shrimps and crabs per year. The mangrove forest is of great value to the local people. It provides firewood, timber for construction purposes, and the materials for making fish traps and racks for drying fish and shrimps.

The bay supports a very rich fish fauna. Species of commercial importance include Luijanus spp, Formio niger, Pampus spp, Anus spp, Trichiurus spp, Priacanthus spp, Chorinemus sp, Epinephalus spp, Pomadacys spp, Nemipterus spp, Saurida spp, Johnius sp, Eutherapon sp, Upeneus spp, Gerres kapas, Leognathus spp, Anguilla spp, Psettodes sp, Cygnoglossus sp, Himantura spp and Carchaninus spp. Some of the many species of no commercial importance include Periophthalmus koereuteri, Mugil sp. Peniophihalmodon scholosseri and Acentrogobius virdipunctatus.Waterfowl known to occur at the site include Anhinga melanogaster. Bubulcus ibis, Egretta alba, Ardea purpurea, A. cinerea, Mycteria cinerea, Ciconia episcopus. Dendrocygna arcuata, Amaurornis phoenicurus and Porphynio porphyrio. Small cetaceans occur in the bay, and Cervus sp, Muntiacus muntjak, Macaca sp and Hystrix brachyura occur in the forests. Reptiles include the Green Sea Turtle Chelonia mydas and the monitor lizard Varanus salvalor.The rich invertebrate fauna includes the economically important crab Scylla serrata, other crabs such as Macrophihalmus bosci, Uca sp, Neopisesarma taeniolata, Grapsus sp and Pagurus sp, and a wide variety of molluscs (bivalves, Luciniidae, Anomia corugata, Pedalion isogunum and eighteen species of Gastropods).

Special floral values:
Site contains a particularly large and diverse stand of The mangrove forest.

Research and facilities:
The area has been the subject of a considerable amount of research by Indonesian scientists, and is currently being investigated under the ASEAN-US Coastal Resources Management Project.

Bird et al. (1982); Direktorat P.P.A. (1980g. l986a & 1986b); FAO (l979a); Guarin & White (1987); Sukardjo (1984).
Criteria for Inclusion:1b, 1e, 2a, 2c, 3b.

Marcel J. Silvius and Eva T. Berczy.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Surat Pos Tempo Doeloe dari Kantor Pos Tjilatjap

Atas : Stempel Pos - Tjilatjap 22 Maret 18 Maret 1892
Bawah : Stemple Pos - Tjilatjap 9 Agustus 1892

Seleko 1917

Pelabuhan Tjilatjap 1942

Marinir Belanda di Tjilatjap tahun 1947

USS Marblehead 4 Februari 1942 di Tjilatjap

Kapal Kapal Amerika di Tjilatjap dalam Perang Dunia II : USS Houston

USS Houston di perairan pelabuhan Tjilatjap tanggal 6 Februari 1942

Tjilatjap Perang Dunia II : Kapal Asheville 3 Maret 1943

Selagi menunggu untuk pemberangkatan ke Australia dan menderita karena kerusakan mesin, kapal Asheville berlayar ke arah titik pertemuan dengan kapal kapal lain 500 mile sebelah tenggara Tjilatjap. Posisi pertemuan ternyata telah diketahui oleh destroyer dan cruiser angkatan laut Jepang yang telah menunggu kedatangan angkatan laut Amerika ( US forces ). Jepang menghujani Asheville dengan tembakan tembakan meriam selama 30 menit dan membuatnya rusak parah. Kapal tenggelam bersama dengan 160 pelautnya. Hanya seorang pelaut yang selamat dan ditangkap oleh destroyer pihak Jepang yang kemudian dibawa ke Kamp Sulawesi sebagai tahanan perang. Dia meninggal di bulan Maret 1945 di dalam tahanan.